Friday, August 15, 2008

SJ Spa Ice Cream Dream Bath Fizzers

Given Description:

Ice Cream Dream Fruit Sorbet Scented Fizzers

A bath time treat so luxurious you will feel like you are bathing in champagne!

The packaging of this item is extremely adorable, thats the reason why i bought this in the first place. Pink cover with polka dotted base and such a nice name, whats not to love?
However, this only proves one point. Don't be fooled by appearances.
As much anticipation i had for this product, which looked promising, i was severely let down by the quality of it. The description of it on the packaging was so tempting, but it turned out to be everything other than that.
Sure, they fizz like what they are supposed to do. However, the smell is totally off-putting. I wouldn't say it is SMELLY, but i'd say the fragrance is nothing nice. And these fizzers don't even fizz right to the end, they fizz partially, leaving a block of it unfizzed. I don't know why.
I bought this in Century 21's basement for bout 5 USD. Even though its cheap, it's not worth it AT ALL.
Rating: ♥ one of the lowest ratings ever.

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